In 1992, the High Court of Australia ruled that all procedures involving the sterilisation of children (other than to treat some malfunction or disease) should be referred to the Family Court of Australia. There has been recent public debate about the sterilisation of young women who have intellectual disability. However, there appears to be very little known about the sterilisation of young men who have intellectual disability. Health Insurance Commission figures indicate that vasectomies and perhaps bilateral orchidectomies are occurring for some young Australian males under 19 years of age, some of whom are under nine years of age. In addition, the use of drugs to alter sexual behaviour in young men with intellectual disability remains controversial. Concerns include sexual behaviour, aggression and other aspects of human relationships of young men with intellectual disabilities. This paper reports on 51 responses to a request for information about sterilisation, drugs and young men who have intellectual disability in Australia. Several issues, including the influence of attitudes and the need for informed decision making are raised.